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True Love by T. S. Phoenix
Te Tao
The Empty Road
Special Lecture: Politics
Speech: Leadership
Things to Come
Supervisors, Employees, Executives say:
Upon arrival, he was immediately placed in a demanding and difficult position: that of becoming the MSC [Manned Spacecraft Center] public affairs expert on lunar science and earth resources in the Houston News Center. Given only minimum orientation, Mr. Williams approached his job with the poise of a seasoned public affairs veteran. He is articulate; displays outstanding writing skills which are creative and conform to accepted journalistic style; and is quick to convert scientific jargon to understandable terms, yet retaining the proper emphasis on scientific significance.
-- John E. McLeaish,
Chief, Public Information Office,
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
". . . I found him to be the most professional, the best-organized, the most-sensitive and generally the finest and most capable manager I have ever worked with in more than fifteen years of employment with firms both large and small."
-- George Haber,
former Manager of Media Relations,
Sperry Rand Corporation

"The only thing I can say to add to his resume is that, in my opinion, he is the best."
-- John Donnelly, former Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs at NASA, public affairs executive with Gulf & Western (later Paramount Pictures) and U.S. Metric Board