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True Love by T. S. Phoenix
Te Tao
The Empty Road
Special Lecture: Politics
Speech: Leadership
Things to Come

My film crew working on gold-medal-winning documentary in Egypt

Using the world's first direct broadcast satellite -- in Haiti in 1976

Attending Conference on New World Trade and Industrial Policy in St. Paul du Vence, France

Receiving the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for public affairs work in Moscow

Editor of special newspaper, enshrined behind bust of LBJ following dedication of Johnson Space Center near Houston
Scholarly essay: "The Morality of Bonnie and Clyde" -- economic crimes, heroes, and the Great Depression

A newspaper ahead of its time -- announcing Bush election, sent to printer three weeks before voters went to polls

Special newsletter for 50,000 US science teachers

Program Executive Producer, US Agency for International Development project to improve national economies reached 35 million viewers in 27 developing countries

Conceiving a publication designed to win a US$1 billion (current dollar) export contract

Korean Minjok (National) Leadership Academy: Senior faculty member