Fredric Dennis Williams
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True Love by T. S. Phoenix
Te Tao
The Empty Road
Special Lecture: Politics
Speech: Leadership
Things to Come
to be of greater service
(1) by improving myself
(2) by setting an outstanding example
(3) by helping others improve themselves
A Word to the Wise . . .
"Examine men's ruling principles, even those of the wise, what kind of things they avoid, and what kind they pursue."
Marcus Aurelius
Advance Without Attacking
"All this struggling and striving to make the world better is a great mistake; not because it isn't a good thing to improve the world if you know how to do it, but because striving and struggling is the worst way you could set about doing anything."
George Bernard Shaw
View wars from a distance, disasters from far away, but above all, view with sincere pity and humility the struggles of the misinformed, misled, and mistaken.
Rely always on truth, wish everyone well, and accept what may come.